The Amazing Bookstore
The Amazing Bookstore is 100% volunteer-run and operated with the support of Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries.
Proceeds support Juneau Public Libraries and have included grants totaling more than $1.4 million. To learn more about the work of Friends of the Library, visit our About Us page.
If you are interested in volunteering at The Amazing Bookstore, please pick up a volunteer application at the sales desk.
Donation Policy
Thank you for your donations and for your patronage of The Amazing Bookstore! With your help, we are able to serve the community of Juneau by providing inexpensive books for the community, keeping books out of our landfill, and supporting Juneau Public Libraries.
The Amazing Bookstore accepts donations of lightly used books, puzzles, games, and media. Donations may be brought to the Amazing Bookstore during business hours only and should never be left in the mall hallway or outside.
(updated 5/18/2024)
All CDs and DVDs must be originals. No copies, vinyl, cassettes, or VHS.
Materials must be in good condition. Books should not be musty, moldy, wet, smoky, disfigured, or missing pages.
Puzzles should include all pieces and be gently used.
Items that are not accepted for donation include:
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
Textbooks more than 5 years old
Travel/Guidebooks more than 5 years old
Condensed books or digests
Magazines (other than crafts and cooking)
Cassettes, VHS tapes, vinyl records, home recorded media
Anything damaged, warped, moldy, or musty
We encourage you to recycle books we cannot accept. Paperbacks can be recycled as is; hardbacks must have the covers removed.
Are all donated books sold at the Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries Amazing Bookstore?
Actually, no. Because of your generous donations, we always have plenty of great titles for sale. Sadly, the sheer amount of donations often overwhelms our ability to store these books. So, to keep these books out of Juneau's overstressed landfill, we have been partnering with the City & Borough of Juneau and Alaska Marine Lines to give these books a new lease-on-life.
Each year we send close to a thousand boxes jammed with up to 20-30 thousand excess books to Thriftbooks.com, a popular on-line bookseller. We receive a percentage for any of our books they sell, and this – like everything else – goes to our local Friends of the Juneau Public Libraries. Books they can't sell are donated to other eager readers on down the line.
How does all this happen? Twice a year CBJ provides the muscle to get these boxes of books onto pallets - no small thing – and trucked to AML's dock. There, the shipping costs are generously waived by AML and tons of books sail south to new lives and new readers.
Now you know. Our heartfelt thanks go to Stuart Ashton of CBJ and Ray Thibodeau of AML for their amazing efforts and generosity!

Contact The Amazing Bookstore
Airport Shopping Center
9131 Glacier Hwy,
Juneau, AK 99801
Opening Hours
Mon. - Tues.
Wed. - Sat.
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm